Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Over the river and through the desert.....

......To grandmother's house we go! I'm taking Shayne and Lylah to AZ to see my grandma. by myself. without my hubs. Normally that wouldn't be such a big deal, until you consider that Shayne is 2 and Lylah is 5 months old...... we'll see how this trip goes! I've packed the car with toys and snacks and movies to keep Shaynie entertained. Hopefully they both just sleep for 5 hours..... not like likely! Anyway, I'm just excited to spend some time with my grandma. I only get to see her every few years and she is 91 years old. Wish me a safe trip and keep the kiddos and I in ur prayers! I'm going to miss my hubs, but I'm excited to miss him too. It's not often that we're apart, and distance makes the heart grow fonder right? Can't wait for Friday to give him a big HELLO hug. (wayyyy better than goodbye hugs by the way :).

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