Thursday, April 22, 2010


Shayne, like any almost 3 year old boy, loves to jump and run and climb. Only he prefers to do so while wearing super hero masks. Right now he's running around the living room dressed up as batman, and insists that I wear the iron man mask haha. Yup sitting here typing wearing an iron mand mask. He cracks me up. I love him so much. Lylah loves him too! She just watches him and laughs. She tracks him around the room. I imagine her little neck gets tired from following him back and forth and up and down, hours on end. I can't wait for her to be able to jump and run and climb with him!

Monday, April 19, 2010


I started an etsy shop today! Check me out here! http://http//

I still have more items to post, but here's what I got so far :)

Gotta love vintage looking aprons!

Friday, April 16, 2010


So.... I've given in and decided to start a blog. I always go on other people's, so I figured it was time to start my own. My name is Megan, creator of Bubblegum Brownies, I spend my time taking care of my 2 and a half year old son Shayne and my four month old daughter Lylah. I think my hubby is the sexiest guy alive (mostly beacuse he still puts up with me haha). I work for a children's entertainment company on the weekends. (
I love to sew, I make things all the time, whether its costumes for work, tutus or baby items, I'm always working on something! I also love to throw crafty semi- homemade birthday parties for my kids. I figure I can use this blog to brag about my kids and share my crafty endeavors!!!!!!!
Right now I'm working on some car seat canopys, I'll post pics soon!!!!!!!!